Lisa is our oldest lady. She is already 14. She arrived to Jasenak in 2013, as a dog with owner. Her story is very sad, and unfortunately not the lone case: the family who took care of her for 13 years, had sold the house to the new owner. They couldn't take her with them and made a deal with new owners to leave her there. They even reduced the price of the house with one condition, Lisa will stay there.  But the new owner broke the deal and Lisa had to go. Her family brought her to Jasenak. After two months, they decide to humanly euthanize her because they have no other option. Lisa charmed us and euthanasia was out of the question, so she became regular resident – we adopted her. Never leave old dogs, who were members of your family behind, never give up on them. This is what Lisa would say if she could talk. Everyone deserves a decent retirement.

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