Mara came from Germany.  She had a good life, but under unfortunate circumstances Mara’s owner had to go away and left her with relatives, who soon rented the flat and Mara too. Something suspicious was happening inside the flat, so police came and took them, since Mara is tiny – no one pay attention to her, so both the flat and Mara inside the flat were sealed. Mara drew neighbour’s attention a few days later, and they informed Mara’s owner what had happened: the man set on a plane and come to get his little girl. His obligations prevented him to take care of her in a proper way, so Mara arrived in Jasenak during one nice sunny day. Today, Mara has a private area, and she is very noisy if you come inside the premises without patting her. She wants to be patted and she clearly shows it – while cuddling she will tell you a lot. Mara is happy now and will welcome you at the entrance gate to Jasenak. Do not miss to give her a cuddle and a candy when you come to visit!

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